Here you can upload your newest tracks via our Dropbox Upload Form. Please note that we only contact people in who’s music we’re really interested. Due to the volume of received demo’s we’re not able to give everyone feedback on their sent demo material.

Thank you for coming to this page to send us your new demo.

Please use our Dropbox Upload Form to send us your demo tracks only, using the following instructions:

  • create a folder on your desktop
  • create a textfile including your real name, working email address and some info about the track(s) you are uploading, so we can use it for future reference

  • drop the textfile and your audio files (preferably MP3 only) into the folder you created on your desktop

  • give the folder on your desktop a proper name, like the name of your project

  • make a ZIP file from the folder containing the text file and the audio files

  • upload the ZIP file via our Dropbox Upload Form below

  • fill in the same info as the text file into the Dropbox Upload Form, so we can use it for future reference

  • allow 4 weeks time till after your demo upload to hear back from us, we only contact people who’s music is suitable for one of our labels

When sending us a demo, you agree to be automatically added to our mailing list, so we can keep you informed about our new releases and make you aware what kind of music we are looking for.

In case the Dropbox Upload Form doesn’t work you can use our WE TRANSFER CHANNEL to send us your demo.